DL Linux 0.0.1 Released

DL Linux - a meta-distribution for building meta-distributions
Distrowatch is abuzz as DL Linux launches their first release of “DL Linux - a meta-meta distribution”.
Laze Eman, the project founder, goes on to describe his distribution as “the ultimate expression of user choice. It’s basically LFS on steroids.”
“It’s more than a distribution. Heck it’s even more than a meta-distribution.”
Unlike a typical distribution, a meta-distribution does not usually come with a straightforward installer or default set of packages. Instead, a meta-distribution packages a set of tools for building your own Linux distro.
“Usually a meta-distribution is basically a glorified set of tools and documentation. DL Linux goes even further and doesn’t even come with tools or documentation.”
As a meta-meta-distribution, DL Linux is instead packaged as a set of pointers to documentation for building Linux distributions.
“I know it’s not for everyone. But it’s the ultimate form of flexibility. It can be as fast as you want it to be. It can be as feature-rich as you want it to be,” said Laze, pointing to a DL Linux installation running.
At the time, DL Linux is extremely small and fits entirely in three words. The full download is presented below.
“Google Linux distros”